Thursday, April 12, 2012

Job Search Tips-Listen to Bad News, and Find the Good.

“Unemployment claims rise.” “Unemployment numbers fail to meet expert expectations.” The Great Recession Continues.”

Yadda. Yadda. Yadda. Blah Blah Blah. It's all over the news-you have NO HOPE. Tune in at 11:00 and we'll tell you WHY. I call these people 'Ratings Whores'. Please stop paying attention to them. If we all just stopped “tuning in at 11:00”, they would pack up and go away.

The old saying goes “Misery loves company”. Bad news makes ratings. Nobody tunes in to see “Katie draws pony, gets 'A+ in Kindergarten. Details at 11:00.” No, we tune in to see the incredible small plane crash that kills five people. It is human nature.

Please resist the temptation. It is harmful in a job search. It is discouraging. Job searches are difficult enough, without adding personal responsibility for the ENTIRE NATION. “Unemployment claims rose 5% last month, and YOU are screwed. Details at 11:00”.

Here is a reality-someone is making money every second of every day. Unemployment rises? Career Counselors like yours truly find job security. So do auto mechanics. OK, Career Counselor is easy to see, but what about auto mechanics? Well, people are driving older cars. They fix them up instead of replacing them. Bad time to be in new car sales. GOOD time to sell at a used car lot, or fix the old cars.

“Scrap metal thefts on the rise”. Good time to be a bookkeeper at a scrap yard. Or the guy who runs the crane. “Housing starts at historic lows” means that it is a GREAT time to be a Used Housing Inspector, or Rental Unit Manager, or something. “America downsizing their housing” means that storage unit sales are UP.

Please consider the housing market. I have two clients who have been Mortgage Brokers. One always focused on the lower-income client (we'll call him Jim). One helped higher income people (We'll call her Jill). The higher end person (Jill) is just fine, there is a HUGE sale on real estate right now, if you have the cash. The low end guy? Not so much. Jim is hosed.

But wait. If Jim took his knowledge and skills, he might make a pretty good Credit Counselor, helping lower income folks fix their problems. There is hope for everyone after all.

So, when the 'Ratings Whores' tell you about that massive pile-up on the highway, think about all the Insurance Claims Adjusters, Auto Body Repair Specialists, and Tow Truck Drivers who just got overtime.

There is work in the BAD news too. You just have to look for it a little harder.

Good Luck and Best Wishes,


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