Thursday, June 20, 2013

Negotiate Offers Carefully

Negotiation is both an art and a science.  Some important factors which are crucial to this process are timing, research, and judgement.  A simple blog post cannot address these variables.  I am not an Attorney, nor am I a Financial Planner or a Certified Human Resources Professional.  I am just The Jobs Guy.  While I do have many years of experience helping thousands of people in their careers, my opinion and advice is meant to substitute for the advice from an Attorney, Financial Planner, Human Resource or any other type of relevant professional. 

Navigate the First Negotiation/Job Offer
At this point, you've assessed yourself, your interests, strengths and abilities. You used Imagine, Research and Ask to develop an effective Core Message. You presented a coherent, targeted self-marketing strategy to a specific group of companies and have succeeded in getting a job offer. Congratulations. Way to Go! Be excited, be happy, be proud, thump your chest and release a primal scream! ...Ummmm....slow down a second, they're still on the telephone or staring at you from across a conference table. To quote the first fictional robot to have an anxiety disorder, “Danger, Will Robinson! Danger!”

To deal with this job offer situation the best thing you can do is to remain calm (or at least calm-sounding). At the same time, you must convey enthusiasm. Smile, even if it is a telephone offer-they'll hear it in your voice. At this moment, you have three primary goals: 1. Get all of the details of their offer that you can. 2. Buy some time to think. 3. Set up a follow up meeting/contact to close the deal.

I recommend starting off by listening first. Get to a pen, crayon or computer as quickly as possible. This will undoubtedly be the moment that the pen is dry, the crayon needs peeled and the computer won't start. Hopefully you have prepared in advance. At any rate, listen carefully, get the details and then buy some time.

No immediate answers, ever. Immediate responses are how people wind up in high pressure time-share condo deals and quickie marriages in Las Vegas (Apologies to Time-Share Salespeople and Britney Spears). If this company really has gone through a process and selected you, they'll give you a day to “Sleep on it”, “Discuss it with my family”, or “ the match so that I can do the best job possible”. You need to show (or at least feign) interest so they don't simply check you off the list and proceed to Candidate B. Requesting 24 hours to consider a major decision which will impact your life, your family and your future is not unreasonable. If they are less than understanding about that point, maybe you are better off without them. You need a moment to think and they need to know that you are seriously considering them as well. Setting up a “hiring meeting” for the next day is one way to accomplish those goals.

Are there situations in which the company absolutely must have your answer right that minute? I suppose an oil well drilling company that needs you to put out their burning well might qualify. But, you'll know when you are in a special situation and the cost of your services should go up accordingly.

Regardless, let's assume that you have moved on to the hiring meeting to negotiate and finalize the details.Please note that some companies and positions do not negotiate. The position may be predefined because of union contracts, or it is an entry-level job and they do not need to negotiate with a potential employee. The following tips are only for clearly negotiable jobs.

The First One to Mention a Number Often Loses.
In a job involving negotiation, the work that you performed earlier (Imagine, Research, Ask) continues to pay off. Your research has probably given you a salary range, a reasonable guess at the benefits package, hours, duties and so forth.

In terms of the mechanics of this negotiation, the first one to mention a number loses. This is a critical point, because that establishes a baseline. If you have honestly reported your previous salary history (discussed elsewhere in this blog), they have a concept of your baseline. This is now problematical for you.

As an example, I once hired a highly competent professional who did not negotiate well. She was fabulous at her job and after going through the selection and hiring process, she was clearly the top candidate. Entering the negotiation, my concern was that I would not be able to afford her services. The total budget was only $40,000 in salary.

At the hiring meeting (third interview), we had a bit of thrust and parry. Initially, she wouldn't mention a number and as noted, I know better. So we stalled, until I asked “Candidly, what did you make at your last job?” She should have dodged or avoided (some people would lie, but that is not needed). But, she told me “$35,000.” In that instant, I 'won'.

My job was to conserve resources for the non-profit agency while attracting the best talent. When she mentioned $35,000, I knew I could succeed and make her happy at the same time. I told her the truth; “That's not the budgeted number for this position at this time.” She assumed our original budget was lower when it was really higher. So, I said “Let me talk to the CEO about this.” I walked out of the Board room and into the Boss' office. “I looked at him, and said “I am about to offer the best candidate $3,000 less than budgeted and make her happy. Are you in agreement?” Ten seconds later, I was back in the Board room and related “I talked to the CEO and I have his approval to offer you $37,000, based upon your previous salary history. Do you accept?” She saw the job as giving her a raise, did a great job for us for a long time and, up until now, never knew she could have made more money.

I know that some people are going to read the above vignette and think “Oh my. He is a Licensed Social Worker and he took advantage of that poor woman”. In my defense, this is a financial negotiation and can be a somewhat adversarial interaction. I was obligated to find the best solution possible, and I used that $3,000 toward helping people with disabilities to get jobs.

My employee failed herself because she did not do her research. This position was funded by a grant from another non-profit, as she was told. She could have emailed the organization that provided the funding and requested the budget forms as awarded. They would have emailed the actual budget to her. Heck, the project budget was listed on their website. Her failure to research was not my responsibility. My job was to get the best people available for the lowest price. I did that and used the savings to extend the mission of the grant. The HR Professional or Hiring Manager you will be negotiating with is in a similar position.

In my opinion, it is vaguely possible I have not quite beaten the salary negotiating point to death. First of all,be nice and be reasonable. I am not advocating playing hardball here. But this is a financial negotiation and it is important. Also, let the buyer beware. Companies might not always tell the absolute truth. YourResearch can help you judge this as well. At any rate, here are some phrases to help you avoid their attempts to nail you into a baseline.

When the employer asks something like “What do you expect to make?”:
-”What did the previous employee earn?” (The previous employee probably was there a while and got some raises. Starting at THEIR baseline might be good for you).
-”What is the typical salary range for the position?” (And if they give you a range, you are going to make a sour face and start working from the top).
-”Where do you expect most people to begin?” (Of course, you will be able to demonstrate that you are better than most people because of your Research and Core Message).
-”Given the lack of ______(tuition reimbursement, free childcare, carpooling, etc), what do you normally offer?” (Be careful not to sound too negative here).
-”When do you normally evaluate a new employee and adjust salary?” (Vaguely on topic and sets a table for an early employee evaluation and raise).
-”Is the commission structure cast in stone?” (For some sales positions, perhaps you can get an additional point or two).
-”Are there additional responsibilities I can start with, to demonstrate my value?” (Only vaguely on topic, but again setting the table for justifying a higher starting point for you).

And the list can go on longer than 'The Simpsons' on Fox. The point is to answer these questions with other questions. The first one to mention a number loses.

Now the baseline is set. Benefits can also become negotiating points. This applies to vacation time and other things you value. I once turned down a job for which I was desperate. I had spent 7 years getting the experience and education needed; they offered. I declined, citing the pay and my college tuition bill. They wanted me, honestly had no more cash and offered an enhanced package of benefits (start health insurance 1st day, gave me same vacation as 10th year seniority). I took the lower salary and enhanced benefits. I loved the job, enjoyed 4 weeks vacation each year busted my butt for them and my clients. As noted, I loved the job, and the extra time off gave me the energy to excel. I exceeded established goals regardless of the extra time away. And we both felt that we “won”. Done properly, negotiations can have a win/win outcome.

Your Job Offer, Part II
Different industries and occupations have their own way of dealing with a job offer. It is unlikely that the Manager at a fast food restaurant is going to send a registered letter on vellum parchment (Yes, the Author is aware of paper making...he has chosen to annoy the Book Binders and Grammar Nazis on purpose) for the person who changes the fryer grease. You did get a job description and specific offer letter after accepting their offer and before starting? I didn't think so. You got all excited and forgot to take care of business properly. It is human nature to get excited at these times and to forget to focus on the details.
Typical job offer elements often include date of offer/start date, salary/bonuses/stock options/other financial incentives, job title, benefits package. For professional positions, this is often sent as a hard copy letter from the personnel office.

Good luck and Best Wishes,


Monday, June 10, 2013

Follow up to 'The one thing you should never disclose to potential employer'.

Follow up to 'The one thing you should never disclose to potential employer'.

The previous post generated a lot of attention, and some questions. For those who did not read that article, the essence was “Don't disclose your current salary or salary history”. Here are the reasons.

The employer already knows the budget for the position and what they are willing to pay. Learning your minimum number gives them even greater leverage. Your salary is private information. Imagine meeting someone, having a coffee or two, and then they ask what you earn (and are offended if you ask them). Finally, it is irrelevant. If the job duties, hours, skills, experience, and such are worth an amount, then you should, in fairness, earn that amount.

This leaves the question “What do I do about this?”. First of all, you might choose to simply capitulate and go with the flow. The previous article laid out an example that demonstrates an impact greater than $200,000 for a mid-career 40 year old. However, not everyone is in a position to be 'different' in a job application process.

If you do decide that not disclosing your private information is best, talk openly and honestly with your next employer, and be ready to ask some questions of your own in response. “I feel that salary history is very personal, and it does not apply to this situation. If the position pays $10,000 or 10 million, and I am the right fit, and want to do the job for the salary offered, it doesn't matter...”

Here are some sample questions to indicate interest, and establish that everyone is somewhere in the appropriate salary range:

What is your normal range?
What did you pay the last person to do this job?
Based upon my experience, skills, and qualifications, what do you normally offer?

The idea here is to 'qualify' both the candidate and the company. “Oh the range is X to Y? That's fine with me, and I think my skill (or selling point) will show that I am a strong candidate”.

It is fair for an employer to know that you are a viable candidate for a position, and not just wasting their time. I am not suggesting that you should raise complete roadblocks, present as unreasonable, and disqualify yourself. Janitors typically make less than Engineers. A janitorial company should not have to bother with a candidate who insists on 'Engineer' pay. Likewise, a candidate should not have to tolerate a company that wants an Engineer's qualifications for the pay of a Janitor.

Likewise, a job seeker should not have to be manipulated or pressured into working for a salary far below their worth. Reasonably, the employer has a general idea of what you make anyway. If a company does not value you, and simply seeks to 'lowball' you, red flags should be raised. Is this company in financial trouble? Do they value their employees or are they just another cog in a machine? Is this company ethical, or just greedy? Is the bottom line all that matters?

To tie up a loose end, this 'divulge your salary history' inquisition starts with many online applications. The forms do not offer you a “I choose not to answer” button. Often, you must fill in an amount. My typical advice is to put in $1 per hour. Later, if they ask about it, you can explain that is is irrelevant, they are not hiring you for the job you already have, and (respectfully) what is the range of the current position?

Good Luck and Best Wishes,

Sunday, June 9, 2013

The one thing you should never disclose to a potential employer.

The one thing you should never disclose to a potential employer.

With automated technology, privacy concerns abound. Employers often force applicants to go through an online process, during the course of which they ask for information. Some of this information is reasonable, some is not, and some things, you just have no choice if you want to work there.

Asking your name, address and relevant work history is completely reasonable. However, employers also ask for things that are not reasonable. There are three common items which particularly stand out, in my opinion-Social Security Number, Driver's License/I.D. number, and current salary.

So, which ones to disclose? Well, for starters, the original Social Security Act specifically stated that this number is never to be used for identification purposes. You can take a moral and ethical stand, but you will lose. This fight was lost decades ago, in the days of our grandfathers. A wise person once advised me “pick the beaches you are willing to die fighting for”. This fight isn't worth it. Give them your Social, if you know it is a trusted site.

So what about the Driver's License or State I.D. Number? This is another fight you may as well abandon. Companies use this to verify your legal right to work, your credit history, and criminal history as well. At least these are rational, reasonable, and responsible things for a company to ask about. The fight isn't here either.

That leaves the one thing you should never disclose. Your current income/salary history. This is private information, and believe it or not, has nothing to do with any offer they may choose to make. Do they ask how much money you have in the bank (broke people steal)? Do they ask your exact birthdate (age discrimination)? How about sexual orientation (Spousal/partner benefits)? Preferred method of birth control, if any (Kids are expensive on health insurance)? Man or Woman (Lots of reasons they can't ask)? Marital Status (Single, young males are cheapest on health insurance)? Number of minor children (Parents miss a lot of work to care for sick kiddies)? Do they/can they ask?No, no, no, no, no, no and no. However, all of these things could affect your cost to them.

So why do they want to know your current income? Primarily so that they can screw you. Knowledge is power. They already know what the job is worth. They already know what the budget for the position is. Now all the employer needs is your minimum number.

Let's say that your current salary is $52,000 a year. The position that you are seeking is a significant boost, and has a budgeted cost and range at $55,000-$65,000 a year. If you tell them that you are currently earning $52k, they will offer you bottom of range ($55k). You will accept and be thrilled with the '$3,000 raise'.

Let's see what that '$3k raise' cost you. Assume a 40 year old who keeps this job until retirement at age 67. 27 years times $3,000 equals an impressive $81,000. If you add in an average of a 3% annual salary increase, you get $125,800.

However, the middle of the range in this example is $60,000, a reasonable offer if you only keep your private information private. That gives you an $8,000 'raise' annually. With the same 3% salary bumps, your increase would be $335,500. This is a difference of about $210,000.

The financial example above should demonstrate why you keep your current salary private. I should also note that this does not automatically make the person you are negotiating with evil or out to get you. Rather, that person has their own job to do, and an obligation to get the best possible talent for the lowest possible cost.

A future post will suggest some negotiating strategies.

Good Luck and best wishes,

Links to my work, “Beyond a Career Crisis”:

Kindle Edition

Paperback Edition

Thursday, June 6, 2013

Using Bullet Points in Resumes.

Bullet Points in Resumes

Resumes are tricky beasts these days. The good news is that there are fewer 'rules' and conventions associated with them. The bad news is that many job seekers do not have a standardized format to work from.

As opposed to a format, the purpose of a modern resume has to be foremost in the thoughts of the job seeker. A resume is a focused sales document. It is thoughtfully crafted to show the skills, strengths, abilities, and qualifications of the job seeker relative to the wants and needs of the employer.

One area that can showcase these selling points is in the bullet points, located in the Work Experience section. One recent study showed that the average read time of an unsolicited resume was six seconds. These bullet points must be concise, and have impact by starting with an action verb.

Let's use a basic job as an example:

Target Stores, Utility Worker, 2010-Present
  • Collect Carts.
  • Help Guests load and unload purchases and returns.
  • Clean front of store, including restrooms.
  • Safely clean spills, including biohazards.
  • Shovel snow, salt walkways.

Note that I violated my own “Start with an Action Verb” tip., and started one bullet point with the word “Safely”. I did that for this example because I pretended that my theoretical client has learned that this store was rewarded for their safety program. Pardon the pun, but this is a 'targeted' sales document. Keep your resume relative to the employer.

Now, that is all fine for one position. What happens when someone has multiple positions within a company? Resumes have to be one page for most workers (remember the six second study), with two pages acceptable for mature workers (or those in complex fields). Let's return to our Target Sore Worker, who happens to be good at what they do, and has been promoted. We will use a 'Key Duties” addition:

Target Stores, 2010-Present
Progressively Promoted. Job Titles include Utility Worker, Electronics Salesperson, Operator, Security Specialist.

Key Duties:
  • Pick and choose those things you want to highlight.
  • Select tasks that are most relevant to the next job.
  • You have an awesome chance to tailor your sales presentation.
  • Use an odd number (3,5,7,9) of bullet points.
  • Action Verbs! 
  • If you can insert numbers/data, it is up to 127% more effective.  
  • OK, I made up the 127% statistic.  But numbers catch the eye.

So, remember that the 'rules of resumes' are gone. Instead, be focused about the purpose. This should be to best showcase your strengths relative to the needs of the employer. Use Action verbs.

Good Luck and Best Wishes,

Links to my work, “Beyond a Career Crisis”:

Kindle Edition

Paperback Edition

Wednesday, June 5, 2013

Job Seeking Skill-Imagine Research, and Ask.

I have posted a very brief (10 slides) presentation on I.R.A.  at the link above.

A more detailed articled will follow here soon.


Tuesday, June 4, 2013

Core Messages, Part 2

Core Messages, Part 2

In the preceding article, I showed how to develop a 'Core Message', your unique marketing position that shows your selling points in comparison to the needs of the employer (and influenced by the competition). In Part 2, the topic is how to use this tool. To simplify the discussion, I am using a Teen Worker as an example, but the principles apply universally.

The first action is to customize the core message for each individual industry or employer. This is important because each employer has distinct needs, and the competitive situation also changes.

For example, you may develop a core message for McDonald's on Main St., which just so happens to be down the block from a large retirement community. They have a bunch of Senior Citizens who work there, and they need people who are willing to work until closing at midnight. At the same time, the McDonald's across town is loaded with young second shift workers, but can't find any daytime help. These realities affect the way that you present yourself as an employment candidate.

So how do you present yourself? Rely on the Core Message. It becomes a thread that runs through the entire process. In Part 1, I showed a teen candidate who developed a simple message of:
  • Perfect attendance at school.
  • I finish my tasks.
  • I take pride in accomplishment.
  • Accurate.
  • Trustworthy.
When this teen applies online at his targeted employer (McDonald's), there is a box that says “Is there anything else you would like us to know?” All the other teens leave it blank or write in “I will be hardworking”. OUR teen writes in “I have had perfect attendance at school for the last two years. I finish what I start, and I take pride in my work. I am accurate, and appreciate the trust that an employer has in me.”

Later in the online application process, it asks our teen if they would like to upload a resume. Most teens just skip this. Our future employee uploads one that matches his core message (See The Simple Resume at

Assuming that the employer has a need, and our teen has done a good job of demonstrating his ability to meet that need, there will be a telephone call. The Hiring Manager may screen briefly, and ask a few questions. When this happens our teen candidate does not need to panic, they have a (successful) Core Message prepared:

Hiring Manager-”Can you tell me a little about yourself?”
Teen-”Well, for the last two years, I have had perfect attendance at school. They gave me a gift certificate because it is hard for students to do.”

Hiring Manager-”Do you have any experience?”
Teen-”Since as long as I can remember, I have had to do chores around the house. I also cut grass for a lot of the neighbors and do yard work. I think that experience has helped me learn to take pride in my work.”
This type of brief telephone interview is likely to result in a face to face interview. When that happens, the Core Message comes back into play. By the time you get to a formal meeting, you know that they are looking for the 'product' that you are selling.

Now, for a couple of tips and notes. The Core Message is your 'bullet points' or highlights. Think of this as a guide, not a script. You do not want to become robotic, or inflexible. If new information comes up through the process, and it is helpful, add it in.

The Core Message becomes the thread that ties everything together. It helps you to have a consistent, focused presentation, and helps you show the employer the information they need to select you over the other candidates.

Good Luck and Best Wishes,

Links to my work, “Beyond a Career Crisis”:

Kindle Edition

Paperback Edition

Core Messages, Part 1

Core Messages

A 'Core Message' relates to the branding or image of a product. An iconic example of this may be found in the Ferrari. What are the images and mental associations when you hear 'Ferrari'? Red, fast, Sportscar, racing, horsepower and so on. If you go to the Ferrari homepage, I guarantee that they don't focus on fuel economy, luggage capacity or the number of cup holders. Those discussions are left to the webpages of minivans.

This relates to a job search because you are selling a product. Over the past 80 or so years, Ferrari has learned well how to build a brand image and sell expensive automobiles (Spoiler alert, it isn't the cup holders). Job Seekers need to know how sell themselves as well as Ferrari sells sports cars.

First of all, you must know your strengths. For a young worker seeking a first or second job, perhaps at a McDonald's, I often ask them to list three strengths, and be specific. More mature, experienced, or qualified workers will do the same exercise, adding up to 10 strengths, with a great deal more specificity.

Returning to the Young Adult Job Seeker, the first list of personal strengths generally comes back with something like “I am dependable, hardworking, and reliable”. Fair enough, but those are all worn-out meaningless buzzwords. Let's break that down.

When asked, dependable sometimes turns out to mean “I haven't had an unexcused absence from school in two years”. That becomes “Perfect Attendance” in a Core Message. Likewise, hardworking was recently defined by a young job seeker to mean “I stay with a task until it is completed because I take pride in accomplishing things.” Now we're getting somewhere. Reliable becomes “I understand the importance of doing my best work, in being accurate and trustworthy with assignments given to me”.

When you have developed a specific list of your strengths, it is time to pick and choose which ones you are going to present to your 'customer' the prospective employer. How many cup holders ARE in a Ferrari? It doesn't matter because nobody buys them for that. A 2013 458 Spider Model has 561.9 horsepower, though.

Now, it is easy to know what Ferrari buyers want in a car. How do you know what an employer wants in a candidate? Use the I.R.A. Tool. This stands for Imagine, Research and Ask. Simply imagine yourself as the Hiring Manager. List the qualities which you think they are seeking. Grow that list with research. Visit their careers page. Read their job postings. Companies tell you what they are looking for. Finally, ask. If you have a networking contact at the company, ask them. I once had a client do very well by asking a Manager, “What kind of person are you looking for?”.

Now you have two lists, your specific strengths, and the needs of the company. Please take one more step before developing your Core Message. Consider the competition. Generally, in the labor market of today, it not simply enough to fill the needs of the employer. You also have to out compete many other candidates.

To return to the young McDonald's applicant, they will successfully out compete other teens when they talk about finishing the job, taking pride, and having perfect attendance. Parents of teens are nodding their heads as they read this. The 'Research' portion of IRA above might show that teen McDonald's workers have problems with being on time, with sneaking to text their latest love interest, and with social skills. Now you have a third list that will help you prioritize your personal selling points (strengths) in comparison to the needs of the employer.

That's the Core Message. Your strengths, skills, and abilities relevant to the needs of the employer. The way these are presented can be influenced by the competition from the labor market.

How to use this powerful Core Message will be addressed in part 2.

Good luck and best wishes,


Links to my work, “Beyond a Career Crisis”:
Kindle Edition

Paperback Edition